miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Are you a PLL fan? Read this theory

Ok so one of my best friends and I watched pretty little liars today because we prefer to watch it when it’s already subtitled because we’re from Venezuela but I’m guessing all of you dgaf about that so I’ll just keep going :D. This is our very first PLL theory and we’re really hoping to keep posting them because it’s so funny when you have such a great afternoon discussing every single idea that comes to your mind with your PLL bitch <3 .="" a="" after="" also="" is="" lot="" of="" on="" opinion:="" our="" reading="" so="" span="" theories="" this="" tumblr="">


There’s people that say Ezra can’t be A and He’s just “in” to protect Aria or the girls or whatever, it might be true but we don’t think that’s all to it. It has also been said that Ezra is really a bad dude and he’s looking for Alison for some weird reason, there’s even a baby-malcolm-Ezra’s mom theory in the middle but I think it can’t go that far, even though the “Ezra is actually bad” theory is so sooo tempting, but, even though we like that one a lot, we don’t really think the writers are heading that way, at least permanently, because 1, there’s kind of a lot of series to watch still, and they can’t just throw something so directly at us wanting it to end up that way, it’s not possible, they just want us to believe that, as usual; 2, we actually agree a little bit more with the he was investigating and got dragged into it theory, because it’s something that the writers would do, like to bring down the whole Ezra is big-A story, even though we all agree he’s not the actual “boss” but you know. He also seemed so angry, Ezra can actually be dark, even Ian Harding said it himself, if you haven’t read this, then you have to: http://www.eonline.com/news/453409/pretty-little-liars-ian-harding-on-shocking-a-reveal-ezra-is-not-a-sociopath

-CeCe is really hard to explain because there have been said a lot of things about her too that are so possible but kinda crazy at the same time, so we don’t really know what to say but in our thoughts for now we believe she might have been working with Wren (who was talking to CeCe when he was coloring the painting he showed Mona, we think) and Melissa and maybe (probably not, just maybe) Ezra. She’s obviously not “original” red coat (if we can call it that way) but we and a lot of people want (or actually don’t want) to believe Ali is original red coat, based on everything that has been discovered in this 4 and a half seasons, and also on the blue eyes that were watching the girls while they were on the Ravenswood lair. On Cece killing Wilden, she could’ve done it because of several reasons like the “Alison breaking up her friends’ relationships as a favor” flashback that Emily had that may be related to Cece, and that might have turned her against Alison (and like millions of other reasons), and in some weird way also against Wilden, but we just don’t see CeCe killing somebody to please herself, if she actually did it, it must have been for a really good reason (money, as many other theories explain), or her being blackmailed or just directly threatened by someone who knows something she doesn’t want everyone to know, or that could just hurt her.

-We think Wilden’s murderer(s) can be Melissa and Shanna because, even though we don’t believe the cute sister story so much, Melissa might have been protecting Spencer from Wilden and his crazy shit, if we’re not mistaken there’s a video recorded from Wilden’s car where Melissa and Shanna are picking Wilden’s body of the ground but we don’t really remember if he appeared again after that. We think that Melissa-Shana team might be leaded by Jenna because she has a lot (and an obvious) reason to hate Ali and get involved in this team situation to bring her down, on the beginning of the series she always seemed to know more than she showed, but she definitely let Ali know about that, telling her weird things like some creepy pumpkin note that someone left for Ali, we think it must had been Jenna or even Mona who also was kind of “starting” or getting into the game at that time. Another reason why Jenna could be “the boss” is all this information Toby (her step-bro) has been getting from “A” in a not-that-angelical helpful way, if she were A she might want to help Toby, but also “drive him crazy” leading him no-where with his mom’s case, just for revenge on abandoning her or something like that. Also she dated Garret once, she could have killed him because he kinda said a lot to Spencer we think, but maybe he already knew he was going to die when he said all that, it’s so confusing. Melisa also knew Ian, and Nate (who was kind of into her) , and a lot of “dead” people :’D, she even could have hired Nate to assume the responsibility of killing Maya, we just don’t know there are thousands of possibilities. Now Shanna works at this creepy costumes store and she’s Jenna’s “girlfriend” (which, no offence, is really disgusting :’D) and she is involved with Mona now, like, how can this show keep getting crazier?

-The paper Toby grabbed when Shanna accidentally dropped it, seemed to be about a package that was being sent to Wren, or something like Melissa’s company (?, maybe money?, or just related to Wren moving with Melissa to the U.K., and just the fact that Shanna has those papers, and she also kind of lives in Ravenswood or we don’t know it’s just weird that this girl just got involved with this crazy monster out of nowhere, she has to have some skeletons we still don’t know about.

To end this, which turned out to be longer than we thought :’D, we wanted to share a crazy theory that’s taking place in our heads right now and we hope it makes at least a bit of sense to you: With all this Ezra being somehow related to A theory, maybe he was just put in charge of the Ravenswood lair after the persons that “worked” there left for some reason, maybe related to Cece being a suspect of Wilden’s murder (Maybe Melissa, Wren or the rest of the people in that “team”) and he was following the girls because he knew about them possibly discovering the lair because they were going to Ravenswood where “good” A -who is supposedly Alison- is and he might have thought Alison would want them to discover the lair to put the other team in evidence, which was what Ezra was trying to avoid. When the girls left (he obviously didn’t get in cuz he was following them, we guess he just stayed waiting outside), he got into the lair all mad because that wasn’t supposed to happen and now he must want to try to fix his “mistake” with getting Ali on this Halloween party, basing all this on “Ali” being this side-team’s target, and that could be why “Ezra” (the guy in the creepy costume) is going to the party, “to make up for it”.

If you read all this you’re a really devoted PLL fan :’D Thank you so much for taking a bit of your time to read this not-that-crazy theory about last night’s episode, and just in general, we’re so thankful that there’s still people in the world willing to share their opinions in a pacific way ^^, PLEASE let us know what you think about it on our twitters @JonasBNoticias and @JBLovatoJB and let’s just discuss and enjoy being fans of one of the most amazing series in the world<3 good="" night.="" span="">

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